In there is a BillP1948 which has the following information. He does not have it publi… ‎(N97)‎
Gemeinsame Notiz Gemeinsame Notiz

Einzelheiten zeigen Gemeinsame Notiz: - In there is a BillP1948 which has the following information. He does not have it public, but can be contacted through Ancestry by paying the fee. His info is listed as "My Children's Connections" - Joined, then found out this guy hasn't logged in for over 6 months.
Born: 1879 in Grice, Upshur, Texas, USA ‎[however, 1880 census shows him in Free Run, Yazoo, Mississippi at 5 months old, so think birth was probably in Yazoo, Mississippi ]‎
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1910 census says he was born in Mississippi, Father in Alabama, and mother in Mississippi

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In there is a BillP1948 which has the following information. He does not have it publi…

INDINameGeburtJahrestagOrtKinderTodJahrestagAlterOrtLetzte Änderung
1I19Davis, Joseph Ely

Personen insgesamt : 1