possibly lived in Yazoo, Mississippi in 1880 Ancestry.com and possibly born in Georgia ‎(N100)‎
Gemeinsame Notiz Gemeinsame Notiz

Einzelheiten zeigen Gemeinsame Notiz: - possibly lived in Yazoo, Mississippi in 1880 Ancestry.com and possibly born in Georgia
headstone of Joseph Daniel Davis lists her as his mother
Helen's tree - HHC Tree on Ancestry.com lists her date of birth as Dec 17, 1832 - but headstone in Grice Cemetery shows 1828
Helen did say she had not checked all these dates

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possibly lived in Yazoo, Mississippi in 1880 Ancestry.com and possibly born in Georgia

INDINameGeburtJahrestagOrtKinderTodJahrestagAlterOrtLetzte Änderung
1I24Evers, Amy Ann

Personen insgesamt : 1